Hi My Name is Ashleigh and I'm a Recovering Sinner

Y'all better get ready for this one. The Holy Spirit is convicting me and I think He's going to convict some of your hearts too.

{Tempted. Sinned. Regret. Shame.}
{Love. Forgiveness. Grace. Restored.}

Temptation to sin is the hardest thing to overcome in our daily walks with Christ. Temptation ultimately goes back to Satan telling us "you can be your own God" and "you are the only one who can control your life." Believing these lies from our enemy can be the most destructive, detrimental thing to our faith. He wants us to distrust God and he accomplishes this by tempting us to sin. When we are tempted to sin our spiritual armor and shield come down, allowing too much room for sin and temptation.

Sin is anything that falls short of the glory of God. This means that sin can look different for everyone. Maybe your too prideful to pray for someone you said you'd be praying for. Maybe your not totally relying on God and His plan for your life. Maybe you have an alcohol or pornography addiction. Maybe its something as simple as being selfish and only thinking of your issues. I want to tell you that I have been there too. I want to tell you that there is hope amid that destruction. Whatever it is friend, there is room at the cross for all of it! Jesus bore the weight of our sin and shame and IT IS FINISHED! It's sometimes hard for me to think that someone could love me enough to take MY punishment on the cross; something that I fully deserve for the sinful nature my heart gets wrapped up in. But man does it feel pretty sweet to have a gracious Savior like that!

I know it can be tough to get wrapped up in sin and think its too big or there's no way God can forgive you of it. But we know that He is faithful to save by Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.

Whatever you might be doing right now I challenge you to ask God to reveal your sin to you if you don't already know it. This might lead to a messy heart-opening experience and that's okay. Be totally and humbly vulnerable with God. Ask Him to reveal it to you and ask Him for forgiveness and the wisdom and ability to FLEE from that sin. This may be hard for you to do but He will understand that. I've had many moments where God has shown me my brokenness and He's shown me how clouded my heart has become. But you know what He does right after He has revealed it? He shows me and all of us the GRACE to overcome the sins against Him. Grace to help us and pull us away from the sin that binds us.

Friends, I pray that you let go of the weight of sin and death and come to the foot of the cross.
*Romans 3:23-26 *John 8:34-36 *Luke 5:20 *1 John 1:7-9 *James 1:14-18