Bring Jesus to Your Show & Tell

A lot of the Psalms are about praising God for all that He has done... I can't help getting stuck in Psalm 66. In the very first verse it says, "Let the whole earth shout joyfully to God." Can you even begin to wrap your head around what that would look like? Okay so let's just break it down. So. The. Whole. Earth. That's 195 countries, roughly 6,500 different spoken languages, and approximately 7.5 billion people. Can you imagine how different our world would look if all of God's creation bowed down to Him in praise? As a believer, I would say that's what I hope heaven would look like. Throughout the rest of this chapter in Psalms, phrases like, "The whole earth" and " all who fear God", are found. God desires all of His people to come to Him and be saved. (1 Timothy 2:4)
Okay so all of that's awesome but 7.5 billion people? All praising the One True God and Savior? I know it sounds like an unrealistic goal, but if we all do our part in God's Mission, the goal of the whole earth being saved, is possible! Let's say you have one friend (you aren't a loner, it's just for the purpose of the example) and you tell your friend all about your savior who died for your sins and theirs too! That friend will be saved and (hopefully) will go to two of their friends and tell them about Jesus! (because the news is just TOO GOOD not to share!) You see where I'm going with this? Friends, WE are responsible for spreading the word and love of God now to make sure that all of His creation can come to Him and be saved! We need to make it our personal mission and goal to show and tell others about Christ!
Maybe you are bold and are willing to ask anyone and everyone, "Hey do you know Jesus?", and that's great! But if you are anything like me, you stray from that and that is totally okay! (boldness is not one of my strong suits either) not everyone is bold, but He needs all of us to complete His Mission here on Earth no matter how shy or bold we are! If you are a newer believer or maybe just not as bold, representing Christ is just as important as talking about Him! We must represent Him with a great passion and show others the love He has shown us. (this could be the only love someone receives and this turns them to God all the more!)
Friends, first of all, if you haven't already, go read Psalm 66, it's a pretty good one :)
Secondly, I encourage you this week to tell someone you love about Jesus and how much He already loves them! I encourage you every week to go out and live your life following His example! Loving others and putting them first. Serving those you know and love and even those who are strangers!